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Dolores Ortiz

Translator and proofreader

Barcelona LinkedIn



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    Asia on
    TranslationInterpretation/Remote interpretationProofreadingLanguage TeachingMentoringOther Matter

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    • Translator Market does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the language service profile information. We are also not a party to assignments.

    • If your matter is urgent, please call the contributor directly! See phone numbers

    Specialised areas:

    MTPE, translation, transcreation, proofreading, editing, copywriting

    Areas of language services:

    Fiction translator
    Translator of information literature

    Service and availability:

    According to the agreement
    Billing: Via your own/company's business ID
    Proofreading service: yes
    Native language: Spanish
    The role of the service provider: Private or business

    Phone number: Are you in a hurry?

      See details

    Soy una profesional lingĂ¼Ă­stica con una sĂ³lida trayectoria en el campo de la comunicaciĂ³n. ComencĂ© mi carrera como traductora en 2019 y, con el tiempo, ampliĂ© mi alcance profesional y me adentrĂ© en la correcciĂ³n en 2021. Desde entonces, mi actividad principal ha sido la correcciĂ³n ortotipogrĂ¡fica y de estilo. En 2023, me adentrĂ© tambiĂ©n en el mundo de la redacciĂ³n y fusionĂ© mis habilidades lingĂ¼Ă­sticas con estrategias de optimizaciĂ³n de contenido.

    I’m a linguistic professional with a solid track record in the field of communication. I began my career as a translator in 2019 and, over time, expanded my professional scope by delving into proofreading in 2021. Since then, my main activity has been orthotypographical and stylistic correction. In 2023, I also ventured into the world of copywriting and merged my linguistic skills with content optimization strategies.

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    Translator, Interpreter, Proofreader, Language teacher, Mentor

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