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Category: Notifier

Leave a call for tenders or a job advertisement & announce a training or event. Leave your ad now, you can edit your ad at any time.

Showing all 8 results

    • This plan includes 1 job
    • Jobs are posted for 10 days

    ✓ Leave a call for tenders for language service providers.
    ✓ The content of the request is visible on the website to all
    ✓ Includes 1 request for quotation/contact.
    ✓ Open for max 10 days, then closes.

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  • Notifier
    See details – Phone numbers 24h
    3,22  for 1 day
  • Notifier
    See details – Phone numbers 7pv
    4,83  for 1 week
    • This plan includes 1 job
    • Jobs are posted for 10 days

    ✓ Leave a attention-grabbing request for proposal.
    ✓ The request is forwarded to a wide range of providers.
    ✓ The content of the request is visible to everyone on the site.
    ✓ Includes 1 request for proposal
    ✓ Visibility up to 10 days
    ✓ Visibility of the announcement in the homepage Attention carousel
    ✓ Highlighting of the announcement and placement at the top of search results

    👍 Wide reach, better visibility

    Add to cart
    • This plan includes 1 job
    • Jobs are posted for 30 days

    ✓ Advertise training/event
    ✓ Includes 1 announcement
    ✓ Visibility up to 30 days
    ✓ Announcement with logo and background image
    ✓ Announcement highlighting and placement above search results
    ✓ Visibility of announcement on homepage Attention carousel
    ✓ Edit the announcement anytime
    ✓ Visitor statistics for announcements

    👍 Wide reach, better visibility

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  • Job Advertisement Basic

    99 € + alv
    • This plan includes 1 job
    • Jobs are posted for 60 days

    ✓ Leave a job advertisement
    ✓ Visibility up to 60 days
    ✓ Includes 1 job advertisement
    ✓ Advertisement visibility in the front page Attention carousel
    ✓ Advertisement highlighting and placement at the top of search results
    ✓ Advertisement editing anytime
    ✓ Visitor statistics for advertisements
    ✓ Advertisement with company details, logo, background image, and video
    ✓ Applications to your own recruitment system / through your website
    (or collect applications through the TranslatorMarket system)

    👍 Broad reach, improved visibility

    Add to cart
    • This plan includes 3 jobs
    • Jobs are posted for 30 days

    ✓ Announce education/event
    ✓ Includes 3 announcements
    ✓ Visibility up to 30 days
    ✓ Announcement with logo and background image
    ✓ Highlighting of the announcement and positioning at the top of search results
    ✓ Announcement visibility in the front-page Attention carousel
    ✓ Edit the announcement anytime
    ✓ Visitor statistics for announcements

    👍 Extensive outreach, improved visibility

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  • Job Advertisement Extensive

    199 € + alv
    • This plan includes 3 jobs
    • Jobs are posted for 60 days

    ✓ Jätä työpaikkailmoitus

    ✓ Näkyvyys max 60 päivää

    ✓ Sisältää 3 työpaikkailmoitusta

    ✓ Ilmoituksen näkyvyys etusivun Huomio-karusellissa

    ✓ Ilmoituksen korostus ja sijoittuminen hakutulosten yläosaan

    ✓ Ilmoituksen muokkaus milloin vain

    ✓ Ilmoitusten kävijästatistiikka

    ✓ Ilmoitus yrityksen tiedoilla, logolla ja taustakuvalla sekä videolla

    ✓ Hakemukset omaan rekrytointijärjestelmääsi / verkkosivujesi kautta

    (tai kerää hakemukset TranslatorMarketn järjestelmään)

    👍 Laaja tavoittavuus, parempi näkyvyys

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