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1. Data Controller


2. Contact Information for Register Matters

info (at) TranslatorMarket.com

3. Register Name

TranslatorMarket.com User and Stakeholder Register

4. Purpose of the Register

Language service providers must register with TranslatorMarket:fi to advertise language services. Registration enables communication and maintenance of language service profiles on the website. Consumers who need language services also register on the site when submitting a request/notification to be able to edit, delete, or renew their notifications. User register information is used to facilitate interaction between providers and consumers of language services and to facilitate the implementation, development, billing, and communication of the service. Registered users are also added to the newsletter recipients list. Register information is also used for statistical purposes and other possible service-promoting purposes. TranslatorMarket may use third parties in implementing the service. For other users, register information may be used for stakeholder marketing, e.g., a service provider may send newsletters.

The privacy policy is described in the terms of use (link).

5. Information Contained in the Register

The register may contain the following information:

  • Email address and other authentication information
  • Contact information of the registered, including business contact information when applicable
  • Order information of the registered
  • Requests and communication between providers and consumers
  • User reviews and comments about the registered service provider
  • Event and user analysis data

The TranslatorMarket website does not request or collect sensitive information such as personal identification numbers.

6. Regular Data Sources of the Register

Registration information of language service providers and later other usage information provided by the service provider. Also, registration information, sent messages, reviews, comments, and feedback from consumers.

7. Transfer of Data and Transfer of Data Outside the EU or European Economic Area

The servers used by the service are located within the EU. Data may be transferred to servers outside the EU for storage and processing on behalf of the data controller. Such services include, among others, IT services provided by companies.

8. Protection of the Register

Register information is kept confidential. The service administrator and separately defined individuals have access to register data, accessible with a username and password.

9. Right to Inspect and Determine Information

Users have the right to inspect their information. A language service provider can check the information in the user register directly from the service’s website by logging into their account and viewing their own information. Similarly, a consumer can check their information on the service’s website by logging into the service.

10. Verification, Correction, and Deletion of Information

A language service provider can update their information directly from the service’s website in their own information, as can a consumer. Deletion of user account information should be requested from the service administrator.

For other users, requests regarding stakeholder register information must be submitted in writing to the data controller. Response time to requests is as soon as possible, up to approximately 1 month.

The description will be updated as needed.