The platform economy also concerns translators
Recently, there has been much talk about the platform economy in the media. For example, YLE published an extensive article on the subject (link). The article highlighted a translator who works a lot but earns little. The translator offers services through an international freelance platform. At this point, TranslatorMarket had the idea that things could be different. What if translators could offer their skills through a domestic platform instead?
TranslatorMarket is a meeting platform in Finnish and in Finland, so translators offering translations through TranslatorMarket don’t have to compete for jobs with translators from around the world. Additionally, TranslatorMarket does not support underpricing. This is prevented, among other things, by not allowing translators to see each other’s price offers. TranslatorMarket aims to be a meeting service through which those in need of translations receive professional and high-quality translation, even if it costs a little more. Good quality is always worth paying for!
Alex /