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Andrei Popescu

Authorised translator, Business interpreter



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    Asia on
    TranslationInterpretation/Remote interpretationProofreadingLanguage TeachingMentoringOther Matter

    When does the matter need to be completed? (You can also leave this blank)

    • Translator Market does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the language service profile information. We are also not a party to assignments.

    • If your matter is urgent, please call the contributor directly! See phone numbers

    Specialised areas:

    Justice, administration, economy and culture.

    Areas of language services:

    Business interpreter
    Legal interpreter

    Service and availability:

    Immediately (if my schedule allows)
    Billing: Via your own/company's business ID
    Native language: Romanian, English
    The role of the service provider: Private or business

    Phone number: Are you in a hurry?

      See details

    I provide English-Romanian-English legal interpreting in courts and agency interpreting in various institutions
    and official translations from English to Romanian and from Romanian to English .
    My work experience is about 10 years!

    References :

    Courts, police, customs, border guards, parliament, presidential office, translation agencies,
    private companies and state institutions, etc.

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    Translator, Interpreter, Proofreader, Language teacher, Mentor

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