TranslatorMarket has been renewed

Renewed TranslatorMarket Service is More Versatile and Flexible for Advertisers. The website offers several types of advertisements with job and education listings as a new feature. website has been running for over five years. So far, we have facilitated over 3,000 requests/contacts for language service providers. Now it’s time to renew the website significantly. The site was updated technologically on 1.1.2021, making it much more versatile, and the use and management of personal information on the site became more flexible. At the same time, the appearance also became more modern.

What Remained the Same?

-TranslatorMarket continues to connect language service providers and buyers.
-Buyers can still submit requests through the site.
-Language service providers still have their own language service profiles.

What Improved?

From the perspective of language service providers:

-Language service providers now only need one language service profile, which is easy to maintain and update (creating multiple similar profiles has been removed). The redesigned language service profile allows for, among other things, attaching work samples to the profile.

-Language service providers can now respond to all requests and inquiries without limitations (communication restrictions have been removed). Communication on the site now happens in two ways: a) Clients can contact directly through the language service profile, and this communication takes place directly via email. b) Messages left on open requests and job applications will be visible on the user account on the site.

-Managing and updating personal information has significantly improved. Updating and changing membership, language service profile, and payment information is now flexible and easy (payment functions have been updated).

-The new site includes a completely redesigned Job Alert notification feature, which alerts about notices submitted through the site. Job alerts can be changed at any time to match individual language pairs and areas of expertise (previously, alerts could not be changed manually).

-The new site also includes numerous other new and improved features.

From the perspective of language service users and advertisers:

-The renewed TranslatorMarket includes several types of advertisements. Through the site, in addition to submitting requests, job and education listings can now be posted. This way, employers, educational institutions, organizations, and many others can start utilizing the site.

-Advertisers can manage their postings through the TranslatorMarket website.

Good to Know

All the user and language service profile information of all existing users has been automatically transferred to the new site in similar tiers.