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Terms of use

Terms of Use

1. General

1.1. The TranslatorMarket.com service (hereinafter referred to as “Service” or “Service Provider”) is a meeting and notification platform between interpreters/translators/agencies (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and private or corporate advertisers in need of interpretation/translation services (hereinafter referred to as “Consumer”). TranslatorMarket does not perform interpretation or translation services itself or accept them. The interpreters and translators who provide interpretation and translation services are those who have registered as users of the Service. The Consumer can contact them directly by submitting a request for a quote/creating a job posting on the Service.
1.2. The Service provides a platform for the visibility of Clients (interpreters/translators). Clients can market their language services, expertise, and experience on the platform. The Service Provider does not select the visibility of clients on the Service. The Service Provider is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the language service profiles created by Clients on the Service.
1.3. The Consumer can submit a request for a language service to the Client on the Service in writing or by phone. Submitting a request is free and does not obligate the service to be ordered. The Consumer can also create a job posting on the Service, which is chargeable. In addition, the Consumer can announce training sessions and events on the Service. The Consumer can also provide feedback on the Client if such a feature is available on the Service. The Service Provider is not responsible for the accuracy of feedback or any damages it may cause.
1.4. The Service Provider has the right to change these terms of use at any time, as well as to modify and edit the content of the service and develop the TranslatorMarket.com service in the best way it sees fit.

2. Applicability and Scope

2.1. These terms and conditions apply between the Service Provider (TranslatorMarket) and the Client to the TranslatorMarket.com service and all its electronic services.
2.2. To use the Service, the Client must register with the Service. By registering with the Service, the Client accepts the Agreement. Also, the Consumer is required to register by submitting a request for a quote/notification on the Service, thereby accepting the terms of the Service.
2.3. The Agreement does not constitute an employment relationship between the Service Provider TranslatorMarket and the Client providing language services. Language service providers can offer their services to Consumers according to their own schedule and without supervision from the Service.

3. Validity

3.1. The Agreement enters into force when the Client registers as a user of the Service.
3.2. The Agreement is valid indefinitely. Both the Service Provider and the Client can terminate the Agreement by notifying the other party in writing with one month’s notice. The Client must terminate the Agreement with one month’s notice to end at the end of the billing period. If termination is made only after the Service Provider has already sent the next billing period invoice (billing customers) to the Client, the Client must terminate the Agreement within the notice period of the invoice. After the notice period, the Agreement cannot be terminated.
The one-month notice period does not apply to the Client who pays the billing period payment in advance, e.g., membership fee via online payment/credit card. Such a Client can terminate the use of the Service at any time through their user-specific account. In the event of termination or in any other payment situation, payments already made to the Service will not be refunded.
3.3. The Service Provider has the right to terminate the Agreement and refrain from providing the Service by notifying the Client if the Client causes disturbances to other users, cannot perform language services with sufficient responsibility, does not pay their bills, or can no longer perform language services (e.g., Client’s bankruptcy situation).
3.4. The Service Provider reserves the right to reduce/contract the features of the Service, suspend, or terminate the provision of the Service and the validity of this Agreement. However, the Service Provider will endeavor to inform in advance of any possible suspension or termination of the Service.

4. Service Usage

4.1. The Client (interpreters/translators/agencies) must register as a user of the Service before its use is possible. When registering for the Service, a username and password are created for the Client. The Client must keep their username and password confidential. The Service Provider is not responsible for the Client’s username and password being disclosed to third parties. Also, registration is required for the Consumer using the Service, and by doing so, they accept this Agreement. Similarly, the Client accepts the terms of the Service when registering.
4.2. The Service Provider provides the Service to the Client as it is 24/7, excluding any possible service interruptions. The Service Provider does not guarantee that the Service will function without interruptions.
4.3. The Service Provider has the right to modify, edit, and develop the Service, as well as these terms of use, as it sees fit at any time. This includes, for example, changes to the appearance, texts, and functionalities of the Service or any other matter related to the Service.

5. Prices and Invoicing/Payments

5.1. The Service Provider (TranslatorMarket) is an online merchant. The Service charges the Client according to the prices in force in the online store (continuous subscription or one-time payment) as per the information provided on the Service. Prices include value-added tax.
5.2. The Service Provider’s prices are always mentioned in connection with the presentation of the Service on the Service. The Service Provider has the right to change the prices of the Service without notice. The price change does not affect the ongoing contract period’s pricing.
5.3. The Service Provider sends an invoice for the ordered Service to the Client by email, or the invoice is available as a downloadable PDF document on the Service. The invoice is due for payment immediately. The Client must pay the invoice by the due date to continue using the Service.
5.4. The Service Provider sends an electronic receipt to the email address given by the Client after payment. The Client must check the receipt and inform the Service Provider of any possible errors within 14 days of receiving the receipt.
5.5. If the Client is a Consumer, the Service Provider has the right to request the necessary personal data for identification purposes. The Service Provider is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Client. The Service Provider processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its privacy policy.

6. Rights to Use the Service

6.1. The Service and all materials contained therein, including text, images, layouts, and technical solutions, are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The Service may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes. The Client may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information, software, products, or services obtained from the Service.
6.2. The Client may not use the Service to engage in any illegal activity, infringe on the rights of third parties, or violate these terms of use. The Client is solely responsible for the content they submit to the Service and for their use of the Service. The Service Provider has the right to remove any content from the Service that violates these terms of use or is otherwise inappropriate.

7. Limitation of Liability

7.1. The Service Provider is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages or losses incurred by the Client or third parties due to the use of the Service or the inability to use the Service. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of data, loss of profits, business interruption, or any other financial loss.
7.2. The Service Provider is not responsible for any damages caused by interruptions, errors, or other malfunctions in the Service, including any possible viruses or other harmful components transmitted through the Service.
7.3. The Service Provider’s liability for any damages is always limited to the amount paid by the Client for the Service during the billing period in which the damage occurred.
7.4. The Service Provider is not responsible for the content provided by third parties on the Service or for any damages caused by such content.

8. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

8.1. Finnish law applies to these terms of use and the use of the Service.
8.2. Any disputes arising from these terms of use or the use of the Service shall be primarily resolved through negotiations between the parties. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be settled in the Helsinki District Court.

9. Contact Information

9.1. For inquiries regarding these terms of use or the Service, please contact the Service Provider at the following email address: [email protected].